Call: 480 339 7124

Fees & Insurance

We’re Accepting New Clients

Thank you for considering Rising Light Counseling as your therapy provider. We are always striving to make therapy accessible and affordable to everyone and offer many choices to cover your therapy investment.

Accepted Insurance Plans:*

  • Blue Cross / Blue Shield
  • Cigna
  • United Healthcare / Optum

* NOTE: For other insurance plans, we offer a Superbill (i.e., an itemized healthcare receipt) to assist with reimbursement.

Other Accepted Payment Methods:

  • Credit Card – Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express
  • Health Savings Account (HSA)

Appointment Pricing


$140 – 200

Confidential 50 to 60 minutes scheduled appointment. This applies to either individuals, children, couples, or family sessions.

For a Confidential Consultation Call: 480 339 7124

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